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Internet of Things, MQ scripts and other stuff

Internet of Things, MQ scripts and other stuff @ DevOps consultant
May 24, 2016


I have started to share interesting and useful scripts in GitHub, as this is the main place for developers who want to share and update their knowledge.

You can find different projects that I was involved in. Last one is for managing and manipulating one server from a web site. For now there are functions to restart it, restart the main process of ngingx or apache, depends on what is installed, kill the top used process by memory, check the statistics for memory, cpu and temperature, if there is a sensor. And I proceed updating the functions.

In the other projects for MQ and FTE, you can find a scripts for backup/restore/delete messages from/to MQ queues, and backuping/restoring/deleting File transfer monitors. The mq script qTool is using qload program which can be downloaded from here.